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Traditional Chinese Medicine

Five Benefits of Consistent Acupuncture Treatments

Five Benefits of Consistent Acupuncture Treatments

In a nutshell, traditional acupuncture, also known as Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM, works under the belief that the body is controlled by a flow of energy called qi traveling through pathways in the body that are called meridians. Acupuncturists believe that when these pathways become blocked and the energy can’t flow freely, various health problems begin to appear.  continue reading »

Acupuncture for Better Circulation

Acupuncture for Better Circulation

Perhaps the greatest benefit of acupuncture is that this form of medicine has been practiced for thousands of years and has been specifically used to increase circulation for centuries. At the bedrock of this medicine are the techniques used to stimulate sympathetic responses resulting in blood vessel dilation and increased blood flow. Maybe a simpler way of explaining it is to say acupuncture stimulates energy pathways in the body, thus enhancing blood flow. continue reading »

Benefits of Acupuncture during Pregnancy

Benefits of Acupuncture during Pregnancy

We have so many pregnant patients right now! Congratulations to each of those families! Acupuncture can be a great way to SAFELY address health challenges during pregnancy without side effects. 

Bringing a child into the world can be one of life’s greatest gifts. But, along with the anticipation of that little bundle of joy, often comes some physical challenges and discomfort that can make for a long nine months. Did you know that acupuncture has been shown to address several issues that come up during pregnancy? Here’s what to know about the benefits of acupuncture during pregnancy and what the research actually says is true.

Morning Sickness

One of the most difficult aspects of pregnancy for many women is morning sickness. For some women, it can be severe and last throughout the day. The medical term for this severe form of nausea and vomiting is called hyperemesis gravidarum.

2021 review of 16 previously published studies concluded that acupuncture was effective in dealing with severe nausea during pregnancy. A quick search of PubMed will bring up a host of different studies detailing how acupuncture can help with nausea symptoms even beyond pregnancy, including during cancer treatments and in palliative care settings.

Aches & Pains

The human body changes in amazing ways during pregnancy and that often brings with it pelvic and back pain in the second and third trimesters. A 2021 and a 2018 study both found acupuncture to be safe and effective in addressing lower back pain.

Another common ailment that we treat in mothers is neck and shoulder pain, especially after baby is born, from the added stress/strain of holding baby for long periods of time for nursing, caring and feeding.

Breech Babies

Researchers have also found that acupuncture can be a great treatment option when a baby is breech. Studies show that stimulating acupuncture points BL67 and Sl1 between weeks 32 and 35 might help turn babies so they can present headfirst. In this study, participants were given 30-minute treatments for 3 days in a week and it was combined with moxibustion, another Chinese medicine treatment.

Mental Health

Anxiety and depression can be difficult to address during pregnancy but are more common than most people think. A small study performed in 2010 found that both acupuncture and massage helped women who had developed depressive symptoms. Researchers found that those in the acupuncture group had a reduction in overall symptoms as compared to women who underwent more traditional depression treatments.

You should always check with your us about any potential contraindications, but overall, studies have shown acupuncture to be a safe and effective alternative to dealing with many of the challenges that come during pregnancy.

And acupuncture has also been shown effective in dealing with fertility issues so you may want to begin treatments even before pregnancy!

Give us a call to talk about acupuncture for fertility and pregnancy today, and feel free to share this article with friends and family. Best wishes!

– Alpine Acupuncture

The Benefits of Acupuncture for Chronic Fatigue

The Benefits of Acupuncture for Chronic Fatigue

The Mayo Clinic describes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) as a “complicated disorder characterized by extreme fatigue that lasts for at least six months and that can’t be fully explained by an underlying medical condition. The fatigue worsens with physical or mental activity, but doesn’t improve with rest.” It’s estimated that there are more than 200,000 cases of CFS in the U.S. and research has proven that acupuncture, combined with other treatments can help to alleviate the symptoms that come with CFS. continue reading »

Benefits of Acupuncture in a Palliative Care Setting

Benefits of Acupuncture in a Palliative Care Setting

People entering a hospice or palliative care setting bring with them a host of symptoms and emotions and often a multidisciplinary team of doctors and care providers. Research has shown that the addition of an acupuncturist to the hospice team can be effective and impactful at providing maximum comfort and improve quality of life. continue reading »

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