“To Better Health! Coming from a person that passes out at the sight of a needle when trying to donate blood, don’t be afraid of trying acupuncture! We live in Bellevue but make the drive to Issaquah for Acupuncture and Naturopathic Medical treatments because Carlton is good at what he does. My most recent patient experience has involved a combination of Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture. This pain from a herniated disc was something I just about gave up on ever healing. Carlton did not give up on it! Because of that determination, I can say, it is healing! I now sleep regularly, much more often and I consistently go through many more of my work days, pain free. What I like about Carlton most is that he explains what he is treating and the reasoning behind it. There have been several occasions that I have visited Alpine Acupuncture solely for acupuncture treatments and have left having other health issues resolved such as a peptic ulcers and IBS all because of Carlton’s interest in his clients overall well being and his experience in natural medicine. The best part of the acupuncture “treatment itself” for me, is the ability to unwind from a hectic work day. First, your consultation, then treatment, sometimes involving a toasty heat lamp (almost Hawaii, but not quite) then relaxing music, dim lighting and an opportunity to heal the body, mind, and spirit. ”
– Aaren P. (pain, stress)